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Herman Goudriaan - Aberdovey, Wales, 1984

Course: A430 Group: Drake
From: 14/07 to 4/08/1984
Hello everybody,
It's been over 27 years ago now. Where has time gone? Still it all seems like yesterday.
I should admit that I had more or less forgotten all about it, until one day I came across the lyrics of My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean. No, I am not into camp fire nostalgia, but I do remember vividly the impassioned rendition of an 'alternative' version of this traditional Scottish song during the last night cabaret at the Aberdovey Centre. I was still laughing when I stepped off the ferry in Hook of Holland!!!
This chance musical encounter got me surfing on the web and it was then that I realised just how much the OB experience had changed my life.
Perhaps I should leave the details for my next OB Generations entry. For now I would like to say that, from all the wonderful experiences (both positive and negative), one thing clearly stands out. It is the people, both staff and participants, who make the Outward Bound experience into something extraordinary that will stay with you and guide you for the rest of your life.
I consider myself fortunate to have been part of it.
Nick, and Drake, countless thanks!!!
Kind regards,
From: 14/07 to 4/08/1984
Hello everybody,
It's been over 27 years ago now. Where has time gone? Still it all seems like yesterday.
I should admit that I had more or less forgotten all about it, until one day I came across the lyrics of My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean. No, I am not into camp fire nostalgia, but I do remember vividly the impassioned rendition of an 'alternative' version of this traditional Scottish song during the last night cabaret at the Aberdovey Centre. I was still laughing when I stepped off the ferry in Hook of Holland!!!
This chance musical encounter got me surfing on the web and it was then that I realised just how much the OB experience had changed my life.
Perhaps I should leave the details for my next OB Generations entry. For now I would like to say that, from all the wonderful experiences (both positive and negative), one thing clearly stands out. It is the people, both staff and participants, who make the Outward Bound experience into something extraordinary that will stay with you and guide you for the rest of your life.
I consider myself fortunate to have been part of it.
Nick, and Drake, countless thanks!!!
Kind regards,