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John Harrower - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1959

The six weeks I spent at the Moray Sea School in Burghead Scotland was a wonderful experience some of the disciplines taught have stayed with me and helped greatly not only in my personal life but through my working life.
My Mum & Dad said on my return home that I went away a boy and came back a man
Thank you Outward Bound and the caring staff of 1959 you were sometimes hard but you done your job in the most professorial way.
If anybody remembers me I would love to hear from you
My Mum & Dad said on my return home that I went away a boy and came back a man
Thank you Outward Bound and the caring staff of 1959 you were sometimes hard but you done your job in the most professorial way.
If anybody remembers me I would love to hear from you