Alumni Stories

Your Outward Bound Stories

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Alan Thomason - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1959

23 June 15

Outward Bound Eskdale 22nd June to 18th July 1959 Apprentice with ICI who arrang...

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John Jenkins - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1971

20 June 15

Arrived on the 10th January 1971, freezing cold. Was with a great group of guys....

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Genevieve Hibbs - Bisham Abbey, 2001

21 May 15

I believe that I attended the first Outward Bound Course that was open to women....

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Patricia Watkiss (Wynn) - Rhowniar, Wales, 1986

19 May 15

I came to Rhowniar in 1966 as a nineteen year old girl. We stayed for one month ...

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Barry Stockton - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1966

17 May 15

Eskdale Course E165 - 5 September 1966 Young Patrol - Instructor John Dawson, as...

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Ian Cave - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1977

25 April 15

I particularly remember climbing Great Gable in the dark, so we could arrive at ...

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Graham Paskett - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1964

19 April 15

I attended the school sponsored by the RAF as a "warm-up" for my basic training ...

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David Machin - Devon on Ashburton, 1967

4 April 15

I was lucky as I was asked to go on OBC after a few of my fellow apprentices tur...

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robert jeffs - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1964

24 March 15

I was sent by lever brothers in June 1964,I was 18.i was put into wYimpeR patrol...

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