An Oasis of Opportunity
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An Oasis of Opportunity

As September approaches, young people and teachers across the UK are settling back into their classrooms, ready to dive into a new academic year. But this time, there’s an unexpected bit of inspiration: the reunion of the iconic (and occasionally quarrelsome) band, Oasis.

While fans gear up for the Gallagher brothers’ return to the stage, there’s a lesson here that goes beyond music—one that’s particularly relevant as we face the challenges of today...

Rediscovering our potential

Let’s not pretend Oasis is a model of brotherly love. Their public spats are legendary. Yet here they are, putting aside their differences and coming back together to do what they do best. It’s a powerful reminder that even the most fractious relationships can find common ground. As we head into a new school year, it’s a lesson worth noting.

A recent PISA survey found that 26% of 15-year-olds in the UK report low life satisfaction—one of the worst figures in Europe. This isn’t just a statistic; it’s a clear signal that something needs to change. Like Oasis reuniting after years of conflict, Britain's young people are stepping into a new chapter. It’s an opportunity to reconnect—with their peers, their passions, and their potential.

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The Power of Fresh Starts

The Gallagher brothers have had their differences, but they’re showing us that even after years of discord, it’s possible to come back stronger. This isn’t about nostalgia; it’s about tapping into what made them great and bringing that energy into a new era. The start of the school year is a similar fresh start—one that invites us to rethink and re-energise, something we do every week at Outward Bound.

This sense of renewal isn’t just confined to the band or the classroom. With Keir Starmer's new government, there’s hope that fresh perspectives might lead to positive changes in education. As Labour prepares to launch a consultation on England's curriculum and Holyrood's consultation on the Outdoor Education Bill in Scotland closes on 4 September, the time feels ripe to rethink how we prepare young people for the future.

Don't look back in anger

Oasis’s reunion isn’t just another headline; it’s a reminder that coming together, even after years of conflict, can lead to something powerful. As we step into this new school year and look ahead to important discussions in education, let’s remember that the best results come when we work together—whether in a band, a classroom, or a country.

So, as tickets go on sale and the school year begins, let’s take a cue from Oasis. Let’s help our young people find their own path forward, where they can reconnect with their potential, build resilience, and face the future with confidence and compassion.

Further Reading

Free Teacher Taster Courses

Find out how the power of learning in the wilderness can support wellbeing and develop resilience in young people

Social Impact Reports

Our Social Impact Report evidences the short and long-term positive impact Outward Bound has on the lives of young people.