Our response to the Senedd vote on the Residential Outdoor Education (Wales) Bill
Click here for a Welsh language version
Down but not out! The Residential Outdoor Education Bill may have been stopped in Wales, but we won't give up.
An outdoor residential for every young person is a dream worth fighting for, and we will continue to work with politicians from across Wales and the rest of the UK to help make this a reality. Of course, we are disappointed, but also encouraged by the warm words and acknowledgement from across the Senedd that outdoor education can and does have a positive impact on the lives of young people. Unfortunately, they concluded that now is not the time with the Bill defeated by just one vote. Thank you Sam Rowlands MS, for all your hard work and energy in championing the needs of young people and the benefits an education without walls can offer. In true Outward Bound style, we will dust ourselves off and keep going.
Martin Davidson, Chief Executive - The Outward Bound Trust
Further Reading

Will Wales lead the way?
12 April 24
An open letter to the First Minister of Wales

Protest in the Peaks
5 October 23
British teenagers scale mountains to demand more outdoor learning.

Outdoor residentials for every child
23 July 23
Our goal is clear. To make residential outdoor learning part of the curriculum.