We've Earned an SCQF Credit Rating
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We've Earned an SCQF Credit Rating

By Steve Mackenzie, Head of Centre for the Mark Scott Award Team

At Outward Bound, we're not in the business of handing out certificates for the sake of it. We believe in something deeper. Something real. That’s why we’re excited (and yes, proud) to share that our Mark Scott Award participants are now able to have their learning recognised in the Teams and Leaders and Community Leadership Awards credit rated by the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF).

So, what does this actually mean?

In plain terms, this means that the interpersonal skills young people develop with us, such as social confidence, understanding others and the ability to cope with set-backs are now recognised at the same level as formal educational methods. The Community Leadership Award is now run in parallel with the Mark Scott Award as the levelled Award at SCQF Level 7, which puts it on par with Advanced Higher or even first-year university courses.

Meanwhile, our Teams and Leaders Award is credit rated as Level 6, the same level as a Higher, acknowledging the efforts of participants who might not complete the full community project but still walk away with invaluable life skills. In time, this means we will also be able to offer the Award to schools, colleges and employers as a stand-alone residential development course.

Scqf blog

But let’s be clear: this isn’t about replacing classroom learning but enhancing it with non-formal education methods. The Mark Scott Award has always intended to be complementary, giving young people a way to gain something they can’t always get from textbooks and lectures. Because let’s face it, the world beyond school walls is unpredictable, challenging, and sometimes downright tough. And that’s exactly why the experiences we offer—like spending five days in the wild at Loch Eil—are so important.

It’s all about self-discovery

We’ve seen it time and again: when young people are pushed out of their comfort zones and into nature’s playground, they discover something new about themselves. They find out what they’re really capable of. And now, with SCQF credit rating, they can take those discoveries and get the formal recognition they deserve.

It’s a step forward for the thousands of young people who will now have their leadership and teamwork skills recognised in a way that matters—in school, in their careers, and in life.

Just last week, our first group of participants dived into this newly credit rated programme at Loch Eil and thanks to funding from the Scottish Government Learning for Sustainability Fund, we have also developed a new course booklet to help guide them through the experience. We can’t wait to see what they achieve.

This isn’t just a pat on the back for us. It’s a step forward for the thousands of young people who will now have their leadership and teamwork skills recognised in a way that matters—in school, in their careers, and in life.

If you’re curious about how this could benefit you or someone you know, we’re here to chat. Get in touch, and let’s see how we can make a difference together.

Further Reading