one million more young people over the next generation
An unpredictable world, full of increased uncertainty. Where the attainment gap between pupils from richer and poorer backgrounds continues. And where mental health concerns amongst young people are on the rise. Presents a worrying future for young people growing up in the UK.
This is a future we believe can be different.
Over the next generation we want one million more young people to be equipped with the skills they need to face these challenges head on, to never give up and to learn to believe in their ability to change their future.
At the heart of this is our ambition to open a new Outward Bound centre in the Brecon Beacons. Extending our reach to more young people.

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our challenge
We have reached our capacity in our current six centres, and so we are not able to increase the number of young people who are given the opportunity to take part in an Outward Bound course with out finding a new one.
Our ambition is to find and fund a new centre so 30,000 young people are able to attend our programmes each year.
To do this we need to find a site or existing building fit for purpose. And we need to fundraise between £10-12 million to turn this into a reality.
our vision
We're searching for a site in the Brecon Beacons where we will be able to build a new Outward Bound centre. A centre that is fit for the future and accommodates 120 young people.
Take a look at our video that shows what an Outward Bound centre in the Brecon Beacons could look like.
Why the Brecon Beacons?
Our decision to focus our search on the Brecon Beacons is about our need to bring together three core elements that make us unique. And most importantly, the three elements that deepen the impact of our work with young people.
Make it happen
We need to raise £10-12 million to make this ambition a reality. If you are interested in finding out more about the ways you can support us. Or to get regular updates on our progress.