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our impact during covid-19
With the easing of restrictions and a sense of normality having returned, most of us are now beginning to move on with our lives. Young people, however, are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic.
Increasing instances of ill mental health in our classrooms, fragmented connections and missed opportunities, if not addressed, all point to a concerning future trajectory of poorer educational and employment outcomes and overall poorer wellbeing for our young people.
With non-residential ‘In-school Adventures’ and ‘Adventure days’ between August 2020 and July 2021 having addressed the short-term needs of our young people, our attention now moves to the longer-term. We are concerned about how young people’s experiences over the last two years will continue to impact them socially and emotionally.
We firmly believe that enabling young people to reconnect with others and feel positive is essential to restoring their confidence, getting their lives back on track and giving them the skills and behaviours needed in order to thrive in the future.
In July 2021, we reopened our residential centres. Between July 2021 and July 2022, we expect to work with 12,748 young people.
Download our impact reports
We've written three reports of our work post-COVID. They're real time analysis of the way that we helped young people as the nation adapted to the challenges of COVID-19.
Our third and final report concludes a series which documents how Outward Bound has helped young people as they have adapted to the challenges of the pandemic. It explores the significance of some of the broader and often overlooked elements of an Outward Bound residential and highlights how the whole experience combined plays a vital role in helping young people develop their skills and behaviours as they recover from the pandemic.