We have six UK residential centres all located in areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Lake District
The Highlands
Your favourite moment? Toughest challenge? A special memory?When the rope holdsDangling at the end of the rope, half-way up a rock-face, I was shaken by my…
I grew up on a farm, so always outside, but my introduction to mountains was through the DOE Award.I was awarded a 1 week scholarship to Rhowniar through my…
For the climax to our 5 day expedition Norrie & Nile took us up Ben Nevis via Tower Ridge, the first time an Outward bound team had attempted such a…
In 1967, I was with the Junior Parachute Company, attached to the Depot, The parachute Regiment, based in Aldershot. Myself and two others were sent to Towyn…
In 1959 I was a callow youth of 18 and working at The Times newspaper in London. Each year the management of the newspaper sponsored three boys to attend…
Most of the things we get on the course will pretty good all the moments were quite special to me and even to today I often think about it
i,I was at Ullswater in November 1963 as part of Oats patrol and the Northern Gas Board, who I worked for as an assistant chemist in Gateshead, sponsored me.As…
Outward Bound are the behavioural development partner of choice for many of the UK's top apprenticeship providers and employers. They recognise that we…
Are you making the most of apprenticeship off-the-job training?
Yes. Your instructor, who will be with you from start to finish, will be fully qualified. In fact, Outward Bound instructors are some of the most qualified in…
Our CEO Martin Davidson explains our Let Us Out campaign.