We have six UK residential centres all located in areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Lake District
The Highlands
I attended with my company Rolls-Royce on January 14-18th 2019. I was unsure what I would achieve from attending as it was a company run course but I…
I attended a course, sponsored by the Sheffield Local Authority in August 1961. The following year I applied to spend a gap year between 6th Form and…
As a young 20 year old attending the Eskdale moutainschool was a hard but memorable experience.Several of my apprentice friends were selected tojoin the winter…
The below is an extract from David Kind’s course log book, which he has kindly shared with us. Wed., November 3, 1954The cold shower was over and our…
I was sent to Ullswater by my company The South Western Electricity Board...I was in Scott it was June July 1968...I would be interested in hearing from anyone…
I attended the Outward Bound School at Ullswater in January 1957. It was a requirement by P&O which I hoped to join. There were five of us (I think) who all…
Toughest moments:1. Capsizing of all 6 canoes in moray firth and subsequent rescue,2. Walking across the Highlands with one member with a broken leg,3. Sailing…
I was lucky as I was asked to go on OBC after a few of my fellow apprentices turned down the opportunity; I did have a vague idea of what it was all about and…
I was sent to Aberdovey by Alfred Holts shipping company as a trainee ships steward in 1953.I stayed for 3 months.2 months training in the kitchen and dinning…
Great memories in a splint board going down cliff face.
My name is David Noar. I attended Ullswater Outward Bound School in November 1958. The company I worked for saw fit to send me on the 4 weeks course and I…
I attended a 3 week 'summer standard' course courtesy of the 'Lifestart Challenge' - a partnership between the Outward Bound Trust and Barclays Bank. In the…