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I started work at 15 ½, apprenticeship at 16, a moulder in a large iron & brass foundry, part of a 3,500-strong engineering workforce making steam and gas…
Hi guys,I was tracking my grandson’s progress – he’s circumnavigating the country anti-clockwise in a 41’ Westerly Ocean yacht to build up sea miles towards…
On 14th October 10 males of various ages and back grounds were placed together and over the duration of the course gelled to a very good team. The various…
Course Ref: E136 - October/November 1963Was one of ten members of Slingsby Patrol with Mr Charlie Boyd being our patrol leader.Members of this Slingsby Patrol…
I’m 80 years old and recently found my OBS badge which spurred me to write about my experience at eskdale in 1958 (could be 1957 memory fades a little)I was…
When I was 18, 1950, I won "Best Apprentice"� of the year at "Rubery Owen Co Ltd"� My prize was to go to the Outward Bound Sea School in Aberdovey. It was a…
I was a apprentice electrician with Alfred Holt Blue Funnel Line and was sent to Aberdovey in 1952. It was the first time I had been away on my own.Iwas…
I was nine years of age when the Second World War was declared in September 1939.Apart from watching air-raid shelters being built in our local park, and also…
Tonight I found your web-site and, for interest, enclose the attached five photographs (click link to view) which I took at the Outward Bound Moray Sea School…
Outward Bound Sea School - AberdoveyCourse 99 Sponsored by George Whitbread & Co. LtdOn a bright sunny spring morning in 1950 I was summoned into the office of…
I was invited to attend the Moray Sea School around 1967 by my then employers William Halley & Sons a well known Dundee Textile Manufacturer. The course was…
MEMORIES OF TEMPORARY INSTRUCTOR OF 50 YEARS AGOIn 1957 I was a 23 year old RAF Navigator when I first responded to an invitation to personnel of the armed…