We have six UK residential centres all located in areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Lake District
The Highlands
Hello, My name is Neil Worthington and I would like to share my time in your Outward bound organisation many years ago. I am a past apprentice who was chosen…
An excellent but tough course run by "the Brigadere". A daily early wake up call followed by a swim in the sea (freezing cold). Can't remember any names in the…
I am Niamh Horan Buchanan and I went to outward bound loch eil on the 21st to the 25th of November 2011Immediately after receiving the incredible news that i…
My Outward Bound StoryMy two Outward bound courses at Ullswater (four weeks in 1968 and an advanced two weeks course in 1971) gave me self confidence, ambition…
I must start with a confession and admit to a vested interest. I have never been a participant on an Outward Bound course and I work for Outward Bound. Having…
It's been many years ago, If I remember correctly 1978; a very cold Winter, that's for sure. The last expedition, third night, up in some mountain; my boots…
Today I am the Duty Manager at the The Outward Bound Trust Aberdovey centre on one of my favorite days of the year. It is the start of the big summer Classic…
I attended in 1978 after winning a essay competition in our local paper.At the time i was so excited at winning than i ment my boyfriend and wasn't as kean.My…
I was a Police Cadet between 1979 and 1981. In 1980 or 1981 I was sent to do my Outward Bound at Aberdovey. I was a bit nervous about it all and of course all…
In October 1951 I was privileged to be chosen to go on an experimental course at the Outward bound Mountain school in Eskdale, Cumbria, for 56 girls. Together…
I was seventeen in the autumn of 1952 and my employer at that time saw fit to send me on a course at the Outward Bound Sea School in Aberdovey. I will always…
I had never even been in a plane before, but travelling to Loch Eil as part of the Northern Ireland Bell's Whisky sponsored cohort for 1983 started with this…