The Big Rappel


On 6 May 2024, twenty brave abseilers made history by taking on the first-ever descent of The Empire State Building, raising vital funds for Outward Bound and the life-changing adventures we offer young people.

We need your support

Right now, Britain's young people are struggling. More 'connected' than ever but also more anxious and lonelier than any other generation before them. In the last three years, referrals to youth mental healthcare services in the UK have risen by a staggering 53%.

But it doesn't have to be this way. By empowering the next generation to realise their potential through outdoor learning and adventure, we can equip them with the tools to meet these challenges head-on, so they can cope and thrive now and in the future.

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A fundraising challenge of epic proportions, this New York adventure will unlock countless opportunities for struggling young people across the UK to face their fears and experience their own Outward Bound adventure in the wild.
Martin Davidson, Chief Executive

There is more in us than we know

If there’s one thing these abseilers have in common with the young people we work with it’s a spirit of self-discovery. What better way to find out what you’re capable of than abseiling down one of the world's tallest and most iconic buildings?

We make a difference

Like any Outward Bound experience, the Big Rappel is a catalyst. A moment when you realise you’re capable of far more than you ever thought.

Be part of the adventure

Leave the ordinary behind. Our life-changing residentials give young people an experience they won't get from the classroom.

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Together, we can inspire young people to believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible.

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